Saturday, July 27, 2024


Day 134: When was the last time you threw a party?
I've never thrown an actual party, I don't think.

Day 135: What is your favorite kind of weather?
Sunny with a breeze.

Day 136: What time did you go to bed last night?

Day 137: Who challenges you?
Art, Warren, Sara, Garrett, Alessia. All in quite a variety of ways.

Day 138: What was the last photo you took? 
The aurora-filled skies on my birthday.

Day 139: Are you usually early, on time, or late for events?
I'm usually early or on time.

Day 140: What is on your to-do list this week? 
Finish up my already overdue school assignments.

Day 141: What was the last website you visited?
NYT Connections.

Day 142: If your life were a book, what would be the title?
The Ups and Downs of Sarah Mei Lyana (and the Up Trajectory ever since I met Alessia). Alessia most definitely did not write this.

Day 143: What is unique about this chapter of your life?
I'm taking antidepressants (escitalopram) for the first time in my life, due to the bleakness of seeing Gaza unfold.

Day 144: What do you wish you had done better today?
I was contented.

Day 145: What is the messiest room or area of your home?
Usually the kitchen, but only when we're cooking. We try to clean after each meal.

Day 146: What was the last thing you forced yourself to do?
Get out of bed.

Day 147: What do you miss most about being younger?
Knowing that I had more time in life, to fuck up and experiment with.

Day 148: What memory do you wish you could erase or rewrite?
I wish I could rewrite the formative/toddler ages of my life, so I wouldn't have to unlearn so much.

Day 149: What do you look forward to about growing older?
I look forward to building a family and travelling a little more.

Day 150: What term of endearment do you use most?
Garrett and I call each other bb for now.

Day 151: Are you working in the right job?
I'm not currently working a full-time job.

Day 152: What did you want to say today that you didn't?
Nothing, really.

Day 153: What made you smile today?
Garrett and I spending time together at home. 

Day 154: If you could read the future, would you?

Day 155: Who is the star of your family?
When I'm there in Singapore, I can be pretty loud and the life of the party, but I think we all take turns.

Day 156: Who was the last person to knock on your door?
The only person who'd knock on my door is Alessia, but my door is barely ever closed.

Day 157: Whom do you most want to hang out with today?

Day 158: What superstitions do you have?
I think if you're toasting glasses before you drink, you have to look each other in the eye.

Day 159: What nickname do you like for yourself?
Sarah Mei is a pretty decent name and I don't think I need a nickname.

Day 160: I never want to be far from _______.

Day 161: What big decision have you made recently?
I decided to stay in Vancouver this winter and do a month-long trip in Singapore after I graduate.

Day 162: My life felt like it hadn't begun until _____.
I came to Canada.

Day 163: Fate or free will?
Definitely free will.

Day 164: From what are you trying to escape?

Day 165: Which best describes your lifestyle: sneakers, dress shoes, or sandals?
Sneakers in winter, sandals in summer.

Day 166: What is the last gift you gave someone?
Possibly buying Jeremy a birthday meal, does that count?

Day 167: What puts you to sleep?

Day 168: What foreign language sounds best to your ears?
I've always thought French sounded sexy.

Day 169: What worked in your favor today?
Nothing I can recall.

Day 170: Whom do you owe in a big way?
Cik Mas and Nyai.

Day 171: Whom or what do you wish you cared about more?
The rest of the world while Gaza is being exterminated.

Day 172: What are you looking forward to?

Day 173: What did you avoid doing today?
My very overdue schoolwork. 

Day 174: Something I need more of in my life is _______.

Day 175: Homemade food today or takeout?

Day 176: What favor did you do for someone recently?
I will be dogsitting for a family that's travelling to Europe, but I will be getting paid.

Day 177: How much time did you spend outside today?
Quite a fair bit of it. My cousins are here for a holiday and we explored downtown Van.

Day 178: What wallpaper do you have on your phone or computer screen?
Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Day 179: One person I can't figure out is ____.

Day 180: Whose respect have you earned?
Who even knows?

Day 181: Who makes you a better person?
Art, Warren, Alessia, Maggie, Garrett.

Day 182: What rituals make you happy?
Cooking, eating, taking a bath, swimming.

Day 183: What is the biggest change in your life since this time last year?
I am on antidepressants.

Day 184: What do you do when no one is watching?

Day 185: Who is the funniest person you know?
Alessia, Lyssa.

Day 186: What makes you feel patriotic?
Nothing. I think patriotism is stupid.

Day 187: What made you laugh out loud today?
I don't recall.

Day 188: What is the last commitment you made?
To dogsit for three weeks.

Day 189: If you could be the world champion of something, what would it be?
I don't need to be a world champion, but I'd love to be an excellent chef. 

Day 190: Write a newspaper headline that describes your day.
Woman Spends Time With Adorable Dog.

Day 191: The person I'm most proud to be related to is ______.

Day 192: I wish I had kept in touch with ______.
Oh, so many people. Han, Huda, Sha, Tiqs, Syafiqin. Even if we weren't best friends now, I wish I could check in on them.

Day 193: Whom do you keep meaning to make plans with?

Day 194: What plan on your social calendar do you wish you could cancel?

Day 195: What did you do repeatedly today?
Apply sunscreen.

Day 196: Whom did you talk to the most today?

Day 197: What beautiful thing did you admire today?
The park where I take Kona (the dog) for a walk.

Day 198: Home is where the _____ is.

Day 199: What do you notice first when you look in the mirror?
My lips. I tend to check for if they're chapped.

Day 200: Were you relaxed today or stressed out?
I was relaxed.

Day 201: Describe your day in one word.

Day 202: What do you wish you had more control over?
World politics.

Day 203: What do you predict will happen before the week is over?
I'm going home from the house where I'm dogsitting.

Day 204: What did you overhear today?

Day 205: What do you wish someone would say to you today and every day?
I love you.

Day 206: How satisfying was your day?
Not satisfying at all.

Day 207: What was the most awkward thing that happened today?
Nothing awkward happened today.

Day 208: What was the theme of your day?
Trying to partake in self-care. 

Day 209: What are you sensitive about right now?
My breakup with Garrett.

Day 210: What is your favorite quote or saying?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." — Margaret Mead

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